a dancefloor meditation for the club rats, ballet dancers, voguers, old ravers, baby ravers, queerdos & everyone in between. a free-movement dance session with a soundtrack to keep the music heads happy.

dj sets follow an arc of rhythmic intensity, starting & ending with a sound bath. enough time for some yoga & full-body dancing before returning to ambiance.


what are we practicing?
we offer a cozy space to practicing ways of being in our bodies, in movement & in connection with ourselves & others. dance here is about exploration & discovering what movement feels like when there are no expectations. we are practicing:

letting go of self-consciousness
: noticing the thoughts that hold us back & moving through them, step by step.
listening to the body
: honoring sensations, emotions, & impulses as they arise, without needing to force or suppress them.
moving with curiosity
: treating dance as an experiment rather than a test, exploring different rhythms, patterns & expressions without judgment.
embracing imperfection
: allowing movement to be messy, awkward, fluid, sharp, wild, subtle — whatever it wants to be in the moment.
: getting out of our heads & allowing your body to lead the way, seeing how movement can communicate beyond words.
connecting with rhythm: exploring how music interacts with the body, whether  through stillness, breath, or big, sweeping gestures.
tuning into energy
: whether solo or with others, noticing how movement shifts our internal state & how we attune to the space around us.
practicing presence: being here, in this moment, in your body, with whatever is available to you today. it’s a space to explore what movement means to you, to re-imagine what dance can be, and create space to release.

some ideas for home practice:
movement meditationyogadance moves contact improvdeep listening
can I dance with a friend?
yes! just be aware that some may wish to dance solo.

is it ok to speak?
yes, though we ask that you keep your voice to a low volume on the dancefloor.

can I arrive late or leave early?
everyone is encouraged to arrive on time to minimize disruption, but if you have to come or go, please do so quietly!

how is dance therapeutic?
dance is a powerful therapeutic tool because it engages the body, mind, and emotions all at once. movement has been shown to release endorphins, reduce stress, and improve mood by activating areas of the brain related to pleasure and coordination. scientific studies have found that dance can help regulate emotions, enhance cognitive function, and even decrease symptoms of anxiety and depression.

In The Dance Cure, dance researcher Dr. Peter Lovatt explains that dance creates a unique mind-body connection that allows us to express emotions that may be difficult to put into words. beyond the physiological benefits, dance also fosters a sense of presence—helping us shift our focus from overthinking to feeling. it can be a way to reconnect with yourself, release pent-up emotions, and experience movement as a form of relief, joy, or exploration. for some, it’s about grounding into the rhythm and sensation of their own body; for others, it’s about tapping into a sense of playfulness or catharsis.

it might not be what you need right now — and that’s okay
while dance can be deeply healing, it’s important to acknowledge that it won’t always feel helpful in every moment. dancing, especially around others can sometimes bring up emotions that feel overwhelming, or it may not provide the relief you’re hoping for. and that’s okay. not every tool works for every person at every time. if attending feels too intense or not quite right for you today, maybe what you need is something gentler - like a walk, resting, or spending time with a friend. the most important thing is listening to what feels safe and nourishing for you at this moment. if dance calls to you, great — if not, it will be there whenever you’re ready.


Ticket Link

♫ wednesday march 12, 7-10pm ♫
** L&SD greenpoint **

ticketholders will be sent location info

7 ambient / socializing
7:30 ancestral activation w/ Summer Minerva
8 dance session: Inanna
9:30 sound bath: concon

pls reach out if cost is an issue <3

Ticket Link

Summer Minerva is a filmmaker, performer, writer, educator, mover, and shaker. She has spent the last few years reconnecting with her southern Italian bloodlines by way of queerness, witchyness, music, dance, and general cunty goddess behavior. Her musings can most readily be accessed on her substack:
This ancestor activation practice honors the felt but unseen forces that surround us as well as comprise the flesh and bones of our bodies. How do our cells hold the memory and wisdom of our bloodlines? How can we move as though we are merely a vessel for the continued expression of our beloved, protective, yet ever present distant distant distant distant ancestors? This group embodiment practice invites awakening, connection, healing, and re-membering through visualization, breathwork, dynamic guided solo and partner movement. All levels of movement and ability welcome.

Group embodiment transitions into a DJ set with Inanna, another talented local witch whose first encounter with dance practice was deep in the woods. Their musical interests reach far beyond their junglist roots. Off the dancefloor they write fiction, work in energy policy, and organize with the Democratic Socialists of America.


history of ecstatic dance

questions? dm: @dancepractice.nyc

venmo <3

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